last night i went down to tel aviv, especially so that i would be there in the morning for an important class i wanted to take.
we woke up on time, had a fresh juice on the street before arriving at the garage to pick the car. (tel aviv is a city of horror for driving. you spend more time finding a place to park then you do in traffic jams) once we arrive at the garage, we can't find the car keys. so findus ran back to the apartment where we slept. there he can't find them either, so he phones me and turns out he put them in my back pack... he runs back to the garage. we start driving. the clock is ticking.
then the car breaks down, in the middle of the road, in rush hour. findus manage to kick it going after a few minutes. i have ten more minutes before the class starts. we arrive at the street where i need to be five minutes before nine. i jump out and start looking for house nr 1. i find nr 36. i find nr 23. and then...the street vanishes. no more street. no nr 1. i ask about 7 people, and no one knows where to find number 1. i walk forward and back, searching for another ten minutes. then i gave up and walked to the train station. lets say it was all for the better.
Oj stackars dig, det låter som ett madrömm! Kan du göra det på nytt?Men bilden från shuk HaKarmel? ser bra ut...
dumma mig, man ser ju att det inte ´är shuk HaKarmel.....
Zoals je het vertelde was het een film. Ik zag het in de kop afspelen. But SHIT je miste de les! Heb je al kunnen genieten van de pret? Goh wat wordt Ruby anders nu hij in zijn homeland woont. Zal het licht zijn............ Zo zag hij er in R'dam toch niet uit? Smak Els
...sounds like a graet story for a short movie...
and the title fits perfectly ;-)
yaelian, ja, det var lite typiskt, fast jag lyckades komma över det utan att bli alltför frustrerad... bilden är ifrån...dizengoff. om jag inte minns fel?
els, volgens mij ziet hij hetzelfde uit, misschien een beetje ouder? of juis wel het licht.
might become, one day, my life is a movie! :) (i have an idea of who wrote this, but i might be so wrong!) who do u think i am? this is funny, person-guessing... xx anonymous :-)
i thought your name starts with an m, and ends with an n. am i close?
nope ;-)
so.... if u can read this u will know a:s,h-i=o/p"
good luck :-)
i can't read it. maybe your name starts with an r???
could it be?
woman! use ur brains ;-) it is me, good old ...!!! if u put the letter in the right place you have my name...!
hint: i am a girl. i am far away. you got smth from me that took a long way to get now you should have it...
haha, fun!! cheers**!!
hahah, indeed, i wasn't using my brains. it is understimulated /eh/...
love you!
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