it started with me longing for miso soup.

and became an even of D I Y sushi! yuko is cutting the nori
and became an even of D I Y sushi! yuko is cutting the nori
everybody could make use of knowing how to cook a middle-eastern kinda omelet, called shakshuka. chop chop chop onion, garlic, spicy pepper, bell peppers, tomatoes. fry it together until it becomes a thick sauce. add salt and such to taste. in the end, crack as many eggs as pleased into the sauce and let them boil until done. eat with or without bread.
in this one below all the ingredients are organic!
Det var två rejäla doningar, det! Ur vilken supermylla har du grävt upp dem?
ur det heliga landet såklart, det räcker väl? ;)
nu vart jag ju ännu mer hungrig än jag redan var, magen SKRIKER! ska def testa det där receptet en vacker dag. låter och ser gott ut.
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