my sister is having a theme-week, and the theme is 2nd hand. so this is my contribution. i estimated that about 80% or more of my belongings are second hand or ‘heritage’ from my friends.

like my old, soft and nicely worn out sheets. some came from my grandmother, some from the kibbutz second hand store. you might think i never change sheets, since i posted so many pics of them. but i do wash them in between, no worries.

the camera. my probably most loved item. used to be belong to the photography department of the newspaper in my hometown. a dear friend gave it to me.

a collection of old postcards. and the other most loved item, (it shares the first place with the one above), was second hand and also a present from someone dear to me. it takes beautiful pictures.

my favorite ‘work clothes’ are usually t-shirts and pants that i got from friends. they already lived a long life before that, and i wear and tear them until they almost de-compost on my body.

the squared shirt used to belong to my father (!), the flowery dress came from a 2nd hand store in budapest, the red with white dots from a 2nd hand store in rotterdam, the bag is made from old sheets and i got it as a barter, the jacket used to belong to some grandfather in the kibbutz.

the bag was made by girls in a tiny village in laos. did i buy this one though?

even the dog is 2nd hand. abandoned by it’s previous owners. but i do not consider him mine, he is more his own….
just some of all the stuff i accumulated throughout the years.
and now to something else: on my way home from the studio today, chewing on a cucumber, my tongue piercing fell out. it happened a few times already the past years. sometimes i even swallowed parts of it. but now i felt it was the sign to get rid of it. and i am so AMAZED by the sensation of my naked tongue in the mouth, i can’t stop playing with it…
have a swell wednesday evening, enjoy your tongues and take care.