Saturday, September 21, 2013

the nightgown


and snippets of portraits.

trying to get a bigger, holistic picture of myself and my surrounding by withdrawing deeper down inside.


annika said...

Det är nog den vägen som behövs. Kramar och tankar!

Lindsey Louise Bales said...

i love these self shots! so lovely!

lindsey louise

Iris Vank said...


seraphina theresa said...

Dear Sara,
probably you're right.
Sadly I'm still at my parents home.
You seem to be well to your body, I should take you as ideal.
Oh and black and white pictures are beautiful, especially self portraits. Great!


Stöket said...

Vackra Bilder, vackra läppar och alltid den där känslan som dröjer sig kvar...

Jael said...

Så fina bilder.Tykcker mest om sista bilden,där man ser dig..

annton said...

a delicate a very special way of a greeting, that is how this feels. secretive and on the other hand, so open arms. this might sound weird, but what beautiful series of pictures.

querido diário said...

we are all so wrapped up in the surface,it's seems we forget about ourselves more that one could think it's possible.
love this self portraits,Sara*

Anonymous said...

I love self portraits...especially the ones that show little pieces of ourselves.
These are beautiful Sara.

Unknown said...

the first is perfect.

funny how the deepest and darkest spots illuminate the most huh?

sarapirat said...

annika, det är nog det..kramar

lindsey louise, welcome here, thank you for your comment!

iris <3

seraphina, hmmm not always that well, and was not always, far from but i work on it! how are you these days??? hugs

frÖKEN stök, tack snälla! kramar

jael, tack! :)

annton, no, it sounds pretty much the way it is, secretive but with open arms! you've got a sharp eye, you wise woman!

sara, exactly. who would have known, that that is what we do, most of the time, forget ourselves? xx.

sarah thank you dear.

monica, funny indeed. fascinating.

Anne said...


till-vidas-ara said...

vackraste du. och med det inre på utsidan..ännu vackrare. du har ett så stort liv i dig som det känns. och ögonblick att stilla sig..

kramar Lycke

chrissy said...

These are luminous! XO

hampton sc said...

¡Siempre un placer visitarte!