Saturday, May 8, 2010

how are we doing, miss?


and then the body says ‘no f***ing way’ and shuts down. glossy eyes, pounding sinuses, fever and a never ending cough. always weird to be sick when it is crazy hot outside.

funny how our mind will do the best to resist being sick. i especially love the argument of not having the time to be sick. well, you better make some time then, cause the body won’t care about such useless excuses. i guess i won’t need to wake up at four tomorrow. even though my mind is still planning to pack the bag and put the alarm, just in case….


Jael said...

Hoppas du fort blir frisk.

Evelina said...

Ta den tid du behöver för att bli frisk :) Kroppen behöver det... Kram

Theresa said...

get well soon

annika said...

Bli frisk i din egen takt. Krya-på-dig-kramar!

outi said...

yep, that´s what normally happens to me too, when i push on going, no time for being sick, in some point the body just makes it own decisions.. and i get sick.

aometimes it´s really good that the body is wiser than the mind and forces one to rest <3
take care Sara!

Toril said...

Var rädd om dig å VILA! Krya på dig kramen kommer HÄR!

sarapirat said...

yaelian, evelina, theresa, annika, outi &toril, THANK YOU! already getting better! hugs to all of you.