Sunday, December 9, 2012


_MG_5008_MG_4895_MG_4914_MG_4910_MG_5013i hyllan 2

_MG_4888_MG_4902_MG_4990i mitt rum

icicles are similar to flowers, they ask to be photographed. I need to say it a few times a day, that it is so pretty outside that it almost hurts, somewhere in the region of my belly/heart. i guess that i will be extremely sentimental once i am older, one fine day… christmas carols already makes me want to cry.


Nanna said...

Tycker alltid om att titta in här. Välkommen till Sverige. Kallt, eller hur?! Men vackert ibland då det gör ont.
Hur länge stannar du?
Jag bodde i Israel ett halvår för länge sen. Undra vilket ord det var du syftade på.., hasängkant hört det där.

Det blev en Canon D600 o ett extra objektiv. Inga jättedyra grejer - det har jag inte råd med. men duger fint som nybörjar kamera och hundra ggr bättre än iphone. Är inte så intresserad av teknik vill bara sätta igång och fota. Jag ser liksom allt i bilder.

Hoppas du får en fin andra advent.

Ariane Reichardt said...

Dear Sara,
your icicles reminds me on cacti ;) even the first pic and the pretty lashes, guard for the eyes.

Yesterday it has snowed but today its raining... so I better take a look at your wonderful winter pics, Hon.
It hurts me too, that beauty... a little bit higher in my body, between heart and thyroid.
That innocent of fresh snow, pure, white, peaceful...
the trees! Gimme more, please! because the hurt is a longing, too...

Love to you and yours
x Ariane.

Nanna said...

"hasängkant" var ju ett speciellt ord som blev :) har säkert hört skulle det stå..

Jael said...

Det ser kallt ut men skulle gärna också se litet snö.
Njut av snön,kylan och på väntan av julen! Kram!

Anonymous said...

Sarah, christmas carols make me want to cry too. Christmas makes me sad a little. I have a true love for ice and snow, so I loved these photos.

Merel said...

het is okee om een weekdiertje te zijn, Sara. Geniet van het buitenspelen!

maarnietvangrijs said...

Wow, zo mooi....!! Niks mis mee, huilen om sneeuw. ;-)

Patrice A. said...

we hadden ijspegels naast de deur
zo mooi en zo ongewoon
de wereld was prachtig wit
het bos sprookjesachtig
maar nu is alles weer nat en grijs

geniet van alle het moois
met tranen als het moet
niets mis mee!

Patrice A.

Anonymous said...

I love a beautiful snow storm where everything is so bright and the ice crystal shine. The photo taken in the car is would have taken everything in me not to get out and run down that road!

Unknown said...

Dear Sara, its good to "see" you being in the snow again.
I think what makes you nearly cry is that feeling of beeing home again. I guess some landscapes, views, smells and feelings stay in our heart forever.
Many hugs
xoxo BarbaraBee

Maria said...

Thank you once again! Such beautiful picturs.

annton said...

I know exactly what you mean; when I was in my twenties I didn't care about these things. not at all. those times have gone. yesterday we've even installed an advent wreath in the studio. what makes me smile about my newly found sentimental attitude, my grandmother always told me so.

S said...

"it is so pretty outside that it almost hurts, somewhere in the region of my belly/heart'....Sara,you have a beautiful perceptive ability and a wonderful sense of "feeling" towards objects...I have noticed that beauty in nature, a particular time or a particular climate can create feelings not only in the mind but also in the body...maybe that is why you were born to dance..the body must feel before it expresses itself... and not many people can express through the body..I feel so-so I want to ask you to write something about the inner mind of a dancer..I am sure it is unlike the mind of other performing artists...
Beautiful photographs of the winter season once again, particularly loving the lady looking out of the window, looking at distant somewhere and the last one, the window frame-light outside and dark inside..and also the first shot of the tree branch smeared with ice.. beautiful !
wishing you a great day !

erleichda said...

sentimental is good. painfull but good.

(there is no much snow here at the moment. it's cold. I hope it'll come more snow soon....)

sarapirat said...

nanna, vart bodde du då? spännande! berätta mer! jag syftade på 'titchadshi' eller hur man nu skulle skriva det med latinska bokstäver...känner du igen? jag håller med dig, tekniken är mindre intressant, rena fotandet desto mer! kramar till dig

ariane dear, i guess you have been looking for cacti the last week...and now? i hope there will be some more snow and winter over at your makes the season easier to handle right? love and hugs

yaelian, det gör jag! hur har ni det där? kramar

bobbi, join the club! how do you celebrate? love,

merel, dankje, goed te weten! want dat ben ik echt! :)

maarnietvangrijs, ook lachen hoor! hehehe! :)

patrice, misschien komt het nog meer sneeuw? volgens mij is het maar een of twee keeren gebeurt in die jaaren toen ik in nederland woonde. kan dat? liefs

sarah, yes, i felt the same...if it would not have been minus many many degrees, i would have wanted to get lost in that forest...

dear bee, probably you are right! sentimental feelings...feeling home. how are you enjoying the winter? hugs

maria, tack själv! thank you and hugs!

annton, she told you that one day you will become sentimental with age? we need to listen more to our grandmothers...and mothers...they know what they talk about! :)

sanghamitra dear, you feel so so? how come? what would you like me to write? if you specify the question-s i would be happy to write you. perhaps it will be easier than collecting recipes...i have NOT forgotten! just won't get around to do it! thank you for your words, i do feel a lot, it is sometimes almost overwhelming! love and hugs

demie, indeed! thank you so much for your pretty card, made me so happy to get post here in sweden where it usually only is studyloan envelopes etc.. THANK YOU! love

S said...

Write about how you became a dancer. What led you to it. How dancing grew into you. How it has changed you as a person. How you see the world being a dancer. Write about movements. About mind-body connection. About stiffness and fluidity. Write about the freedom you feel when you dance.I know it might not be easy to write in words about your feelings being a dancer, but try writing in a future post.
I am waiting to read it ! have a nice day !

Anne said...

haha ik ben/word net zoals jou vrees ik ;)
fijne dinsdag!

Birdie said...

Love the pink colors in the icicles' pictures :)

Julia da Franca said...

dear sara, i think that kind of being sentimental/+pain is healthy and sweet!!
love, julia

sarapirat said...

sanghamitra, wow, great idea...i might just write it for you though, not sure if people would find it interesting! or at least, i would ask your sensitive eyes to read and feel it first! thank you for inspiring me, over and over again.

anne, hmmm...gevoelige dames! :)

birdie, candy cotton pink!

julia, right you are, wise woman!

till-vidas-ara said...

så så så underbara bilder! du får mig alltid att se nya vinklar av vårat Sverige...måste nog ta mig ut och fota snart igen..har haft så ont om tid..och nu mörknar det förstås, men visst är det galet vackert ute om kvällen också!

kramar igen, Lycke