Friday, October 14, 2011


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with love from greece. where everyone is broke but still smiling. piles of trash and abandoned dogs in every corner. an endless amount of cars. and pastry shops. the staff of the theater where we performed have not been paid for the last couple of months, but for the love and respect of their profession they still come to work everyday. i say wow!

now i am going out to explore the streets some more. and eat a lot of delicious food. and have some ouzo. (but i will wait some hours for that, don’t worry).


Jael said...

Fina bilder igen. Thessaloniki har alltid intresserat mig. Så synd med alla de där övergivna hundar..
Kram och njut!

Makeminemidcentury said...

Have a wonderful time.

That's terrible to read the theatre staff haven't been paid. Of course, we read about Greece's economy in the news, but to read what you write makes it more real for some reason.

Glad you're not having ouzo for breakfast!

annika said...

Ta ett glas ouzo för mig också! Och hälsa Grekland :) Kramkram

gracia said...

Thanks for taking me in your back pocket... I've never been to Greece before.

anna said...

vad gör mamma bland soporna..?

Anne said...

wow indeed! moet gek zijn (en interessant!) nu in griekenland te zijn en met ogen te zien hoe het er daar aan toe gaat. petje af voor de theatermeneer!

outi said...

wow. i say also wow.
news that we hear now days about Greece are just about the crisis. economical crisis. but what does that really mean?
and if there are still people who are smiling, that´s the best news for a long time.

erleichda said...

my dear dear Sara, your pictures , what you wrote brought tears to my eyes... i have friends in Athens who haven`t been paid for many months now and are going to work every day. and i know they keep smiling...
enjoy your ouzo and good food. there still lovelines in greece. such as there has always been...

lamediterrània said...

Oh, Greece... I feel so sorry for what happened to them and seriously hope that it won't happen to us. We're going out on the streets tomorrow to avoid it and protest. Are you going too?
Anyway I'm happy that there's still some people working for what they love in spite of the bad situation, and I'm happy for you because you must be dancing beautiful coreographies and eating gorgeous things (as you show us). Enjoy your stay!

Anonymous said...

grekland på hösten skulle jag vilja testa, har bara varit där stekheta somrar. jag inbillar mig att det är väldigt mysigt i grekland på hösten! vad hedervärt att de fortf jobbar, då är man verkligen engagerad i sitt arbete, brinner för kulturen. ha en fantastisk helg och drick mkt ouzo! jag dricker ju inte, men älskar lukten av ouzo för jag älskar lakrits! på tal om lakrits brukar du också köpa anijsblokjes när du e i holland? älskar varm anismjölk! Kram

Iris Vank said...

Sjonge wat heftig. Al maandenlang niet betaald en toch doorwerken? Dan zou Nederland al lang op zijn gat liggen. ;)

Geniet en werk ze!

Miss Upsey Daisy said...

Hundarna har alla halsband och nummer ... fattade aldrig varför?

Patrice A. said...

door jouw ogen wordt zelfs een land dat zoveel klappen krijgt en waar de mensen doorwerken zonder betaald te worden en blijven lachen mooi
het is de manier waarop je de dingen en de wereld om je heen bekijkt
en dat doe jij mooi
geniet van de mensen, het dansen en het eten en

sarapirat said...

yaelian, tack snälla du, thessaloniki var en tacksam modell! :) ja, det gjorde verkligen ont i mitt hjärta när jag såg dom. kramar

carmel, no i waited a little bit before starting! :) but sometimes a glass of something with your breakfast is not such a bad idea. hahhaa!

annika, jag tog många glas, även för dig! kramar

gracia, happy you joined! ♥

fru a, ja det kan man fråga sig...letar efter något att hamstra på? :)

anne, ja het was wel bijzonder te zien en te horen. en best ingewikkeld allemal...

outi, yes and so many smiles! warm smiles. was a pleasure to see. life goes on, somehow!

demie oh yes, i so enjoyed your place, i wish to go again, this was just a teaser! and it was fascinating and impressive to see. how they still carry on. it warmed my heart!

lamedi, good, make your voice heard! there are so many things boiling right now in the world. curious what 2012 will bring?! what do you think?

helena, nej jag har aldrig prövat anisblokjes, men nu ger du mig lite inspiration. i vanliga fall är jag inget fan av anis. ouzo smakar mera lakrits än anis, arak tex smakar mera anis i min mening... hur kommer det sig att du inte dricker? många varma kramar till dig

iris, ja, het was echt bijzonder te zien en te horen wat daar gebeurt nu. en ik ben benieuwd wat het gaat worden..liefs

miss ud, hade dom? jag såg många utan. rara små stackare...:(

patrice, ja het hang vanaf met welke brillen wij kijken, toch? veel liefs! ♥

nathalie et cetera said...

i guess life goes on no matter the situation. i'm happy to hear the the people there are still smiling and enjoying life. that's good! lovely images as always!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that poor dog. In Italy we 'feel' a lot for greeks. We consider them our cousins and what's happening to them makes us very sorry. And me, the stupid vegetarian, is worried for animals.