Thursday, March 10, 2011


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tie your horses and don’t expect anything because you never know in life. if last week it was a matter of which dress to wear then this week we are back inside our coats fighting with umbrellas ‘made in china’ that are surrendering to the wind. and on 800 meters above sea level we might even have some snow falling down on us. i say bring it on. trying to learn to embrace whatever comes falling in life.  


Evelina said...

Mmm det gäller att hitta det positiva i det onda! Idag snöar det som bara den and I ain't liking it...

Ariane Reichardt said...

Dear Sara,
yes, I'm trying to learn to embrace whatever comes falling in life - daily exercise... Yesterday I went to the bus-station...but, grgrrr: I only saw the back-lights from the bus. So I had a walk at the lovely Eisenbach with Ducks, Seagulls and Swan, met a friend, who was jogging. At that Brook is situated a houseboat. There is living another friend with her daughter. She is an actor. I saw her through the window, making coffee, we waved to us. So lovely...all the wonderful contacts I would have missed when I would have taken the bus...
x Ariane.

Jael said...

Oj om vi skulle få snö här också,bara för en dag;D

Jenny said...

Här snöar det igen efter några dagars vårigt blåsväder. Vännen, jag har skrivit ett brev till dig. Kan du maila din adress? Pussar och kramar!

Unknown said...

Dear Sara your photos are always as lovely as your insight. Big YES to learn to embrace whatever comes - and not always easy. I heard from my landlord that they sold this house, so I have to move, don't no when yet, by chance only beg. 2013, but still not what I wanted. Right now I'm able to take at it is, mayby only as long, as I don't have any exact date? Who knows?
And I really like your butterfly dress!!! I'm sure you're looking absolutely fabulous with it. I do not no too much about electronic music, can name some, I would listen to it and tell how I liked it. I have sometimes a quite weird taste for music. Ugh.
Wish you a wonderful day with a lot of insightful coincidences!

sarapirat said...

evelina, precis så! det halvfulla glaset... kramar

ariane, i love this little story. things usually turn out the best they could have. even if it contains hardship, if you get what i mean? we attract the lessons we need to learn. xx.

yaelian, ja det vore något. här har det inte snöat men det rengnar en hel massa. förmodligen på hermon och meron ligger det snö.

jenny, det ska jag! hur mår du? kramar

barbara, i have this song i want to send you. not sure it will be too big for the mail. i cant find it on youtube...
we keep practicing, this as well. living with question-marks, created by others. trying to remove those we made up. and creating the reality we want to live. phu. enjoy your weekend dear barbara!

till-vidas-ara said...

Åå kära fina vilka ord. Du skriver fantastiskt, och gavv mig lite styrka här och nu. Lite trassligt med nätterna nu och en illvillig mjölkstockning på gång, men det går det med...bara kramas mer, härda ut och sova! Det blir bra det här. Och här faller snön idag, fast jag blundar..
Många kramar Lycke