this week i decided to leave the unwieldy camera back home and used my tiny pocket thing again. all of a sudden it feels a little bit ridiculous to hide behind that thing, when there is nothing to hide behind.
wondering a few things this week,
-will we do what we need to do in life?
-when will my accountant call me back?
-how do we know if we want children?
-would i be healthier if i stopped being a vegetarian?
-why do we watch all this crap they show on TV?
i say, if you didn’t throw out your TV yet, i would make that a project for the weekend. it will make you a happier person! since i don’t have one, i will need to find another project for this weekend. aside from answering above questions. kiss and bye.
Ooops, alla stora frågar på en gång? De flesta har du svaret på inuti :) jag är säker på det! Bara att du ställer dem visar på en vilja att veta. Tror jag. Allt gott till dig! Kram
Fina bilder med lilla kameran!
Svåra frågor faktiskt;jag har ingen television,men jag använder min dator som television,men ser det ändå mindre än om jag hade en riktig TV.
Ibland är det väl bra att ha en liten frågestund med sig själv även om frågorna kan vara svåra att svara på! :) Kram
-will we do what we need to do in life?
The short answer: yes I believe so.
The long answer: I guess that there are more things in life we don’t do, then things we do. But should that have as an consequence that we get overly focused on making decisions? what is it that we need to do? Maybe we just need to be.
-when will my accountant call me back?
Accounts often call you back later then you want, or even worse: forget to call you back. (maybe this is your hardest question to really answer, does that sound like a relief?)
-how do we know if we want children?
Some people know this really clear. Yes or no. Others don’t know this really clear and life might take a decision. Maybe this is not something to know, but something to feel. If you don’t feel this, maybe you think too much, or this is not the time to feel and/or know yet.
-would i be healthier if i stopped being a vegetarian?
Physically it might, it might not. There is also a lot of crap inside of meat, because vets earn a lot of money on subscribing antibiotics. This makes me very angry.
I guess there is also something to say for your ethical health. Live your believes.
But it is always a search of reevaluating them and making sure they are in balance with your physical health.
-why do we watch all this crap they show on TV?
Because we are lazy and sometimes we don’t know how to stop listening to our negative mind. (sadly that is a pretty negative statement)
-will we do what we need to do in life?
We don't need to do anything :-)
But i think we usually regret the things more that we didn't do then the things we did do. Because from the things we did that went wrong we can at least learn and move on. From the things we didn't do we can only imagine how they could/would have been. When i'm old i don't want to regret anything, so i try to do everything that i think i might regret not having done.
-when will my accountant call me back?
chances are he won't, anytime soon. Best is to just call him and keep calling him. With these things it's ok to be persistent, regardless of the fact that it might feel like you're being annoying. (just put a nice voice!)
-how do we know if we want children?
For me i feel it's not even so much about having kids, but about the one you're having the baby with. With some people (even people i don't know so well) i can imagine having children with.
-would i be healthier if i stopped being a vegetarian?
maybe, if it's good meat. Wouldn't hurt for sure. But probably it won't make you happier, i think after being veggie for so long eating something that used to be a living/breathing animal will just feel 'wrong'. Even though rationally you might be ok with it. But try it out!! Then you'll know.
-why do we watch all this crap they show on TV?
Cause you're lazy :-)
annika, ja, dom brukar komma så! :) och du har rätt. svaren har jag själv någonstans.... kram
yaelian, jag med använder datorn istället för tv'n. ibland blir det lite för mycket datoriserande, men ialla fall inget 'bachelor' eller 'big brother' tex!
evelina, visst är det så?! fast ibland blir jag lite trött på mig själv och mina frågor. such is life! kram
ingetje, what an amazing list of answers! i truly enjoyed those. to be. and to live our believes! yeah! you wise woman...kiss
philipp, (is that you? philipp? or someone else?) thanks for these answers. just like ingetje, you did a great job answering them. i am totally with you on trying to avoid regret. it is not always that simple though... and you know that i am a vegetarian, but not that i am not so lazy.- after all. or am i???
Oj, du Sara. Vi är på många sätt så lika, känner igen mig så mycket. Jag har en kollega som också har slängt ut sin tv, för länge sedan. Jag tror att du skulle gilla henne, jag skulle inte ha något emot att vara utan tv heller. Vi tittar på tv för att det är så lätt, det finns inget som helst motstånd, medan andra saker som vi tycker om att göra ofta kräver lite mer av oss. Det där med barn var så självklart för mig, jag tror att ditt beslut om barn är så mycket svårare än andras, det skulle få så stora konsekvenser för ditt liv. Puss!
Oj, du Sara. Vi är på många sätt så lika, känner igen mig så mycket. Jag har en kollega som också har slängt ut sin tv, för länge sedan. Jag tror att du skulle gilla henne, jag skulle inte ha något emot att vara utan tv heller. Vi tittar på tv för att det är så lätt, det finns inget som helst motstånd, medan andra saker som vi tycker om att göra ofta kräver lite mer av oss. Det där med barn var så självklart för mig, jag tror att ditt beslut om barn är så mycket svårare än andras, det skulle få så stora konsekvenser för ditt liv. Puss!
very good questions. this it what they made me think:
-first we need to decide what we really want in life, and since that tend to change at different times and places, as well as our feelings towards it when we look back at what we already got, i am not sure we can answer that one. or if we should even try?
- maybe stop the waiting and call him again?
-that's a tough one. i think many just do it without considering. which is probably the best anyway. when you start thinking too much about it a million pros and cons start to battle in your mind. i have three children, and i love them beyond everything. there are a lot of things i miss from the days without children. and sometimes i even envy people without children. but i would not change a thing. and i am pretty sure that if you choose to have children you will not regret it for a moment. children are not regrettable :)
-would i be healthier if i stopped eating meat?
-i don't. sometimes my husband does, and i must admit it annoys me a bit. but then again, he can be annoyed (and me too) about the time i spent on the internet :)
i like watching a good movie so i wouldn't get rid of my TV. i just need less screen time - which i tried lately.
that was a long one. oops :)
jenny, tack, väntar du också på revisorn? :)
synd är det ibland tycker jag att andra saker vi gör tar så mycket mer energi och att vi helt enkelt ger upp framför tvn så ofta. hur kan vi ändra på det? och angående barn, du har nog väldigt rätt...grr typiskt! kram och puss
trinsch,thank you for all these answers! i like what you wrote that kids are not regrettable. thank god! how old where you with your first child?
and how about your kids and the telly, do they watch alot?
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