taybeh is a palestinian beer, from the taybeh brewery close to ramallah. tasty…
what can you do, in a region which has so many difficulties? we keep asking ourselves this question. well, one thing which seem important, is to focus on positive projects. like planting trees. trees are investments. in this case, they could improve the soil of an area which is heavily troubled by erosion. aswell as give fruit. the permaculture project we visited, bustan qaraqaa is planting trees and they also develop systems for rain catchment among others.
in the orchard, i found this lovely scare-crow.
we went for a long walk in the neighborhood. and with each few houses that we passed, another pair of kids would join the walk. in the end we had quite a group of them following us around, practicing their english…
meet david bowie. the farms newest memeber. he chewed on every little bit of me.
there’s so much more i could write about being there. it is an intense experience. and it triggers so many thoughts and feelings. you can end up feeling hopeless or miserable against a powerful system, or you can try to focus on the things you as an individual (with another bunch of individuals) actually CAN do to improve the situation.
i found this quote at the farm, easier said then done, but i guess this is our challenge in life. no matter where we live, or what we do…
‘peace. it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart’
Där skulle jag också gärna hälsa på
Bowie var fin! nu ska jag bara duscha, målaren är på väg för att göra extrajobb och då kan man väl inte hasa runt i pyjamas..? sen ringer jag! puss
Åh! Han är ljuvlig! Jag är inne i en sakna Winston-period... Kan du skicka honom till mig?!...
Jag skulle också vilja besöka Västbanken. Många bäckar små...
yaelian, det kan du göra när du har tid och lust. om du vill kan jag höra av mig nästa gång vi åker. så kanske vi kan ha sällskap.
fru a, visst är han. puss kram
frkn l,
kom och besök västbanken med mig!
wow. this was very beautiful posting. in many ways. and as i´m drinking my morning tea here in the middle of snow far far away in the north, i can just how say that life is really different around this planet. and still yet the same.
greetings to young Bowie!
outi, thank you. strange, cause it is so very different, and so very similar, at the same time. i can't get it together...and it hurts me just as much as it fascinates me at other times.
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