talking to yuko about the kibbutz life, we both realized a few things. for her, our very humble salary and other specific conditions, has changed her way of living alot. for instance, choices of how to decorate her home.
we both seem to keep in mind the consequences of this gypsie life style, we invest less, since we might leave sooner or later.
so, she, for instance, bought less stuff for her home, and most of the things that are there she got from people, and she didn't choose it.
me, on the other hand, always lived abit like that. i choose the things, but usually they where still second hand from other people, or i found them on the street. (oh, those lovely squatter days!)
that is just a preference, a taste.
i might leave one day, and every now and then, i look around my little kibbutz appartment, and wonder how in 1 1/2 year it managed to somehow become mine? and what will i get rid of, and what will be part of the selected 20kg?
my neighbour just moved, and once again im left with someones history to pick and choose from, furniture, lamps, kitchen utensils, you name it...
in one day i am upgraded with: a bedside lamp (which has def. been lacking)
a beautiful handmade stainglass window (which his mother made, that on its own made me too sentimental) cushions which will be great to shanti lay on the livingroom floor with. etc etc.
for my specific perversion, this collectors mentality combinded with a rootless gypsie soul,
it is for sure a good thing that unlike in the netherlands, kibbutz people don't just put out their thrown away goods on the street.