Sunday, April 17, 2011


_MG_1755 _MG_1743

arrived in the lowlands but forgot my cable to the laptop *63%remaining* and seem to have dislocated something in my leg. i will be back when things are a little bit back in place.

love to all of you. ♥

Thursday, April 14, 2011


_MG_1711  _MG_1683_MG_1676_MG_1704 _MG_1682_MG_1716   

life signs. translation. backyards. plates. dreams. preoccupations. pages. traces. sugar. chains.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

easier to digest


hi again. didn’t want to leave you with dead birds and devouring cats. even though that is part of it, aswell. bye again.


_MG_1689 _MG_1087_MG_0995



Monday, April 11, 2011

voor de nederlanders

_MG_0129 storm end come nlsmall 

di 19 & wo 20 april om 21.00 hebben wij voorstellingen in theater kikker in utrecht. misschien zie ik jullie daar?

kijk hier voor verder informatie!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


_MG_1557 _MG_1548 _MG_1551

i received a book in the mailbox. the weeping willow. but then in swedish. from dearest elisabeth. she made my day. again.

elisabeth, jag läser och smakar på rytmen. tusen tack för ditt fina bokbrev. jag blir så glad. och lyckades inte glömma att du skickat något (längtade), men däremot lyckades jag glömma att kuveret var brevet. så jag läste mellan raderna igen och hittade små meddelanden ifrån dig. tills det att minnet hann ifatt…

Saturday, April 9, 2011


_MG_1620_MG_1615 _MG_1571_MG_1611_MG_1569_MG_1590 

i wish i could talk rather than write.

wish you a great week. love&kiss.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

you gotta drive all night just to feel like you’re ok

_MG_1363  _MG_1375_MG_1361 _MG_1369_MG_1362   _MG_1332 _MG_1373

beck is supporting my mood and i fell in love with a magnolia tree. it is so much easier to be in love with trees after all.

Monday, April 4, 2011

road tripping and such

_MG_1328 _MG_1348_MG_1344   _MG_1343_MG_1349_MG_1353

today we went for a road trip and dipped our toes in the cold ocean and drank plenty of wine on the piazza and the pigeons peed (?) on our heads and i wait for the luck it will (supposedly) bring. i wish i could fold my parents into neat little piles between the skirt i found on the flea market today and the too warm clothes i brought with me, that way i could take them with me back ‘home’.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

postcards from italy

_MG_1251_MG_1261_MG_1255_MG_1245_MG_1249      _MG_1246_MG_1229_MG_1238

you can listen to the song while watching. i am in italy and my parents are here and there  is nothing like parents in this world. to make you feel just warm and in the right place. no matter what.

today i walked plenty, ate marvelous, had too many tasty coffees *when in rome, do as the romans, right?* and tried to find my balance on a diagonal stage/ inside a diagonal mind. i can’t sleep at night cause my head is on fire. but i guess having a head on fire can’t be too bad when you are in italy.
