Thursday, July 4, 2013

a green visit


caressing leaves, hugging trees, watching ducks, sitting on a bench-breathing, taking many photos.

that’s what I did in the botanical garden, such a magical place.


  1. ser magiskt ut! att röra sig och jobba i det gröna är alltid alltid en lisa för själen. här gör jag det i lagom takt. äntligen..

    kramar längs vägen


  2. i'm glad you also sat and breathed. i love that tunnel of cacti!

  3. So happy that you found a peaceful place to breathe. I think you needed that. xo

    I can't think of a better place to escape to than a botanical garden...I love ours. I could spend all day by myself there.

  4. oh, that is definitely a place I haven't seen back then, when I was a kid. and we should have, it is obvious. beautiful!

  5. Ja det är verkligen en magisk plats. Är det en gardenia, bilden i mitten ungefär? Sommarkram!

  6. I'm back and I've been reading your posts. Magical, beautiful, amazing, soothing, sweet, ...
    As in the old times you made me fell so tranquile, so in peace with myself.
    The truth is I missed reading your exotic life.
    It's almost been a year; you live in stunning southern France now, and I'm still in the same place, travelling, flying, with your posts.
    Thank you Sara, I admire you.

  7. send me your birth data (date, time, place :)

  8. tycker om dej ..

    kramar längs vägen en väldigt trött fredag. tror bestämt tv nu.. vad gör du?

    din vän Lycke

  9. So pretty! I simply love botanical gardens. Your photo of the greenhouse is wonderful!

  10. wallinskaya, absolut!

    lycke, lagom takt! fint det. p.s jag gjorde lite detsamma igår, slöade framför datorn, drack vitt vin och åt hårdkokta ägg! så trött.. kramar

    monica, yep me too! and i posted my birth details on your blog. not very discrete but hey...

    sara ♥

    sarah, i did! maybe you could post some photos from your botanical garden?

    katie, yes! ♥

    annton, next time perhaps!

    annika, ingen aning, jag vill bli bättre på blomnamn etc. kramar

    lamedi, so nice you are back! i did not move to france, i just went there for a project. hope you will stick around! hugs

    judith, thank you!

  11. lät som en fin kväll (ler)

    och kramar

  12. Indeed, it is a magical place with all the greenery around. I just get lost when I visit a green place and I got lost in these photos.
