Sunday, June 9, 2013

please do enter


if I could only step inside your mind, your heart to feel and think what is usually yours. you are very welcome inside mine, even though it seems like I got stuck on repeat.


  1. ik hou er van dat ik in mijn hoofd
    al die fijne plekken kan bezoeken
    die jij me laat zien hier op je blog
    de late zon in een tuin of terras
    zoals bij je vorige post
    of hier in de zon met muziek
    mooie mensen, wat eten, bloemen
    en een mooie vondst

  2. it wouldn't be to interesting to step into my mind ... I've been stuck in a little funk lately with too many plans and not enough time, too much rain and not enough sun, late hours and not enough sleep.
    We should be both kick our repeats to the curb!!! :)

  3. Lovely summery images ....all of them.....happy, relaxing summery images....& nasturtiums already blooming.....thank you for allowing me in your sparkling vibrant mind.

  4. oooh is that a cob house??

    looks lovely and summery Always a treat to step inside your mind Sara.... thank goodness for your lovely photos!

    Helen x

  5. Sunny and summery ... I would love some of that warmth on this grey and overcast winter's day. Breakfast looks totally scrummy :-)

  6. Your photos leave me inspired and if any indication of your mind I would love to have a look. I have put you as a link on my blog hope you don't mind, I am liking your stuff lots.

  7. maybe this is not about stuck in repeat, but about looking closer for a while. you're most welcome, by the way x

  8. Kanaske inte bara repetition, kanske livet som böljar fram och tillbaka, en pågående process :) Stor måndagskram!

  9. I would love to stand behind your eyes for a day...Your repeat feels more like breathing. XO

  10. you have a great mind...but i understand the repeat mode thing, i sometimes wish my mind would stop on the recurrent thinking and move forward to some new places in my mind!

  11. patrice, dat is inderdaad mooi,
    om samen op reiz te gaan!

    sarah, i think, if it would be possible, that it would be very fascinating, no matter what. just to see the similarities, the differences, get inspired, get perspective. i hope you get a well deserved rest!

    sally, i have to google nasturtiums! :) thank you for joining!

    helen, yes it is, we built it ourselves, not completely finished yet! but a wonderful building for meetings, meditation, small concerts, communal lunches etc.

    geoff, :) still can not grasp that you are experiencing winter over there...
    or rather, down under!

    starr, how nice! welcome here and thankyou for leaving your trace!

    annton, hmmmm, wise woman you are!

    annika, ja, du och annton är kloka ugglor och har i vanlig ordning rätt. men det känns ibland så frustrerande, dom där böljande vågorna. ska försöka släppa frustrationen...kramar!

    heart box studio!, that is sweet! i guess we all feel like that about someone else's repeat. too bad we can't just be less critical of our own? xxx.

    sara, yes yes yes, exactly that! :)

  12. Dear Sara,
    get stuck? in LOVE?
    calm and beautiful
    your photos
    just lovely.

    You are welcome here, my heart.

    xo Ariane.

  13. oftast stuck on repeat även här :), men du är så väldigt välkommen in hos mig ändå. lagom schizofrent och uppochner och hu så trött man blir på sig själv ibland.. idag kom jag ihåg att titta in i spegeln och säga "idag ska jag vara lycklig" ..då brukar det bli så

    kramar Lycke

  14. it's all about moods, often.
    you're a great capturer of moods.

  15. I love the colours in these photos!!
