Friday, December 14, 2012

fabulous two


sara♥the niece and the nephew

here more on the same theme: fabulous three& fabulous family


  1. Vad de är gulliga! (och du också;D)

  2. Wonderful nice and nephew,
    dear Sara!
    and I can hear the teeth fairy sneak up to...

    Love and hugs
    x Ariane.

  3. hoe heerlijk vrij kinderen zich kunnen bewegen voor de camera!

  4. Leuke foto's! Mocht je oppassen?

  5. hello there! i guess there is now another little H? or she is rather a big girl already:)

    Happy days and holidays for you all there!!!
    <3 <3 <3

  6. monica, oh yes, it went super fast that day, everything, and i felt how i slowly turned slower and slower in comparison...

    yaelian, tack! :)

    ariane, the tooth fairy is probably very busy over here! :) hugs

    merel, ja, fijn is dat inderdaad, zij hebben geen pose maar doen gewoon wat.

    marieke, ik mocht meedoen met een knutsel sessie op de kleuterschool!

    demie, indeed...!

    outi, little h is already a big little h, time flies! funny and quirky girl she is. hugs to you!
