Saturday, December 1, 2012



homebaked and homegrown.

it is december already. 2012 is about to end. it has been quite a turbulent year. i am looking forward to the swedish winter.

these words written while juggling between a baby on my back and project breakfast in the oven.


  1. Oh I like to come over for a breakfast with you, it looks so delicious and welcoming.

  2. hey lovely. beautiful photos. is that kale? where did you find seeds for that here? haven't found it here...

    i'm going to denmark dec 6. but only till the 16. the kids are in school now and i decided to only leave for the chanukkah vacation.

    when will you be back?

  3. would you mind me comeig over for breakfast? things are looking good around you. it's actually nice that this year is coming to an end; it was indeed one kind of a year. but slowing down & looking back will be great. happy beginning of december.

  4. Din frukost ser så gott ut!
    När åker du till Sverige?

  5. Känns som ett betryggande state of mind. I det lilla sammanhanget. Det större omkring dig känns ju fortfarande skrämmande. Ser fram emot din Sverigeresa.


  6. hey hou, you are coming to the north for the christmas? very nice. i guess in Sweden there are also already lots of snow? at least here in helsinki we have quite some;)

    this year is soon going to end, so hard to believe.. i mean, time is flying, eh?


  7. project breakfast sounds good.
    am i mistaking but are you partaking in the drawing challenges?
    if you find the time, or feel like it, you are welcome to join in next weekend's theme. it's up.
    ayaya - ooy! ;)))

  8. lovely sara, oh the baby must have been so very happy on your back!!! and the food looks very very delicious...
    ♥x♥ julia

  9. Yes Sara I hope the next one will be a good one for everybody. Lovely to enjoy Swedish winter (during Christmas I suppose?)

    lots of love to you

  10. oj vad jag önskar du bodde närmare! varje gång du skriver om att åka hem.. (när åker du?) jag önskar så att du kunde svänga förbi bara!!! det kommer mera snö här nu. annars har de haft mest i södra Sverige knasigt nog. men har du vägarna förbi så..kooom..

    kramar mot Jul, Lycke

  11. barbara, perhaps one fine day i may invite you for one!

    trinsch dear, those are mangold-silver beet, but i do also have kale growing here and i could give you some seeds if you want! have a great trip, i actually did a quick visit in kastrup last night since we could not land in sweden due to the snowstorm! coming back in the end of the month, lets meet!!! finally?!

    annton, oh please do! would love to invite you as well...
    slowing down and looking back is great, i agree. hugs

    yaelian, jag är i sverige nu! så härligt! kramar

    elisabeth, absolut skrämmande. oroande. smärtsamt. vi får se vad som händer. kramar till dig, ps jag är här nu!

    outi, yes, i am a wee bit closer now, and there is lots of snow, the airport was closed most of yesterday so i landed for a while in copenhagen and arrived 7 hours later than planned. so lovely to be here! hugs to you!

    woolf, hey hello, i might, but like i wrote at your place it wont be by drawing im that acceptable?

    menthe blanche, welcome! :)

    julia, i think he was, sleeping sound! i also enjoy it alot! hugs foryou

    demie, yes, for christmas. i am here now! so wonderful. also lots of snow at your place? hugs

    lycke, jagmed! i sommar? vi funderar på en familjetur norrut. då kommerjag! bara måste! träffa dig i verkligheten. vi kanske kan ringas igen, som förra julen? härligt att höra din röst. varma kramar. p.s jag är här nu!
