Thursday, November 8, 2012

lunch with mimmi

lunch with mimmi

hello thursday? I am lost in translation in poland,I have lost my sense of direction, of time and space, it could have been a month ago since I arrived, or just a couple of days, I am not sure and in the end of the day it doesn’t really matter.

I have the feeling I might stay living in my suitcase again for a while, but that might also simply be a whim of this moment.

p.s look at this very sweet mimmi mouse enjoying a bowl of soup.


  1. but even its a whim of the moment, it sounds so very very good to me!!
    love to get lost in something and always wanted to travel trough poland! mimmi looks like a very funny lunch company. just enjoy lovely you!
    fill up your tanks, hugs, julia

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mimmi ser ganska rolig ut;D
    Har aldrig varit i Polen,eller var nog i somras,men bara 6 timmar och på flygfältet,en av de tråkigaste jag vet...
    Njut och kram!

  4. hm again double comments, i never asked for, sorry, don't know what goes wrong, hopefully this one 'wont be there two times too. arrrgghhh. please just kick me out than! xx julia

  5. I'm just catching up with you as it seems you're still catching up with yourself!
    What an interesting and exhilarating life you lead, Sara!
    Dance, culture, diversity, travel, art!
    So wonderful to know you if only through space...
    There's a saying, " Youth is wasted on the young" but in your case this is NOT the case!
    Enjoy yourself.


  6. Wat een hoop avonturen weer Sara, geniet ervan. (en rustig aan!) Ik geniet van je foto's!

  7. you're in poland?!
    i missed the thrust behind this great itinerary.... following along anyways...

  8. You know this afternoon I had a coffee with my dear friend from Poland...

    Enjoy your travels (mimmi is cute!)

  9. Of all the places to be lost and living out of a suitcase or a spell, Poland, somewhere, seems a good place. With good friends and comforting soup and new sights to see and photograph and remember. Enjoy that curious sensation...

  10. Mimmi ser cool ut! Önskar dig den bästa av helger. Kramar

  11. such a delightful portrait of {I believe} an equally delightful person ! Looking forward to your upcoming travel stories and photos !

  12. je tafelgezelschap is oneindig fotogeniek....!

  13. julia, i wish i had more time to explore this country. at first it seems hard to get to..or hard to get used to, not sure which. but then beyond the hardness there is a lot of warmth, and a lot of creativity! filling up, filling up! and i wont kick you out! :) love

    yaelian, eller hur? inget emot vad 'hon' är...ja, flygplatsen är inte mycket att hurra för och polen ser ju väldigt grått och hårt ut, men det finns så mycket annat om man bara tittar lite närmare! kram

    rachel! sweetness, what a comment. indeed trying to catch up with myself. never ending story. but i do not completely get this saying, gotta do some google perhaps. or can you explain it? hugs!

    anki, dankjewel! ik probeer het rustig te doen. weet niet of het lukt! liefs

    monica, yep i am having a hard time following myself...hey there! hey here!

    demie, oh wow, where is she-he from? hugs

    gracia, well the soups are delicious here! and so is the vodka! :) xx.

    annika tack! var fick jag försäkringsbolaget ifrån? har jag drömt det alltså? hihih kramar

    sanghamitra, indeed delightful! he is! i am not having a lot of time for photographs but hopefully still some more to come.

    merel, JA! leuk is dat! en ik mag hem graag fotografeeren ook!

  14. Vad tycker du om maten i Polen? Jag tyckte den var sådär faktiskt men det beror säkert också på att jag inte äter kött..

  15. There was a lot more light in my life these was beautiful. Great that you can see this in my photographs. I'm glad. Thank you.

  16. Great picture! You can put it on a postcard :) Geniet van Polen: heel veel plezier!

  17. miss ud, ja faktiskt! har lämnat ett mer detaljerat svar på frågan hos dig! ;) kram

    s.t, happy that i saw 'right'!

    marieke, moet ik misschien doen!

    nathalie, thank u!
