Tuesday, September 25, 2012

random/germany (and one minute of copenhagen)

11.39bassfish boxesknitting connectiondankearrggggloria   


cuckoo, you know the drill, here and there and this and that, a plethora of impressions, people, places and i find myself far away from this virtual space i have created and yet, where else to share those random moments and random thoughts?

i met this woman while waiting for a train in germany, she was curious about my knitting, and i conversed her on my dusty school-german and asked if i could take her picture. even that is a reason good enough to start knitting, the potential opportunity of connecting with a complete stranger, a few generations apart from yourself, who you will most likely never meet again. a homemade pair of wrist warmers or a scarf is an additional bonus.


  1. Jättefina bilder igen Sara:) Vad stickar du?

  2. how I would love
    to meet you
    while knitting

    he sara pirat
    je bent weer onderweg
    waar heen deze keer?

    en dikke kus
    Patrice A.

  3. dear sara,
    i tried to find out where in germany you have been,
    but don't recognize anything;)
    wish i was the one you met in the strassenbahn...
    love+hugs, julia

  4. Sara, you have written it so beautifully this time -particularly these lines, I can so much identify with.."connecting with a complete stranger, a few generations apart from yourself, who you will most likely never meet again"

    Dear friend, I meet such strangers sometimes at somebody's house or parties, some old person , sitting in the corner alone...and I strike up a conversation..try to know them...Recently I met an old man, in his 80s, and I kept his number too and called back once...he lives far away and we talked about the techniques of growing vegetables in the garden...this man has a garden, and although I do not have one, my father has...it was lovely meeting him. You brought back those memories ! thank you !
    I am enjoying your lovely captures,particularly the man with the cello, the old lady and the angel in the window.
    have a beautiful day !

  5. Hi Sara, like Julia I where wondering where it was and I would also love to met you in a train, even if that means that I have to start knitting!
    ;) BarbaraBEEeeeeeeeee

  6. I love meeting people in trains...there is a book from Italo Calvino " A night a stranger..." related to this.
    I also knit at trains...but noone come to say a word...look at me as I was a freak

  7. älskar hur ditt liv verkar, hur du upplever det. rara..önskar vi ses en dag. men jag följer med dig överallt som det känns. tycker också mycket om möten med främmande, särskilt äldre, ofta..så fint..

    kramar Lycke

  8. och jag också vän med hösten nu. vill krypa dit inåt också, men lite för lite av det känner jag. önskar lite mer ensamhet kan jag göra...

    kraam igen, Lycke

  9. reading your words
    looking at your photos
    tears in my eays my friend

    I will learn knitting

  10. lovely to see your travel pictures - inspiring and beautiful as always!

  11. yaelian, tack snalla! jag har stickat pulsvarmare eller hur det nu heter? och haller nu pa med en sjal men som ska bli en san dar ihopsydd sak som man trar over huvudet... kram

    patrice, oh dat zou toch fijn zijn? ergens op en trein in nederland...ik was in zweden en in duitsland. en nu...weer in israel. ik mis nederland, en weet niet waneer ik daarnaartoe ga. maar dan laat ik wel van mij hooren! liefs

    maria, thank you!

    m, :) ♥

    julia dear, i have been to eckernforde and to kiel. of all places! hihihi! i think this train was in the area of flensburg. next time i hope to come closer to you and those other lovely german ladies...

    sanghamitra , what a nice meeting, did he give you any useful tips? how wonderful that you did phone him. and what does your father grow in his garden? i am thinking of working a little bit with old people. think it can give us a great perspective and teach us many things about life...and the end of life. lets see. hugs!

    barbara, actually i thought of you and of ariane since i was somewhat close to you or at least to her, in the area of kiel and eckernforde. next time perhaps we will make a blogmeeting there somewhere? and don't worry, i will do an exception for you! ;)

    ibb, hahah, yes, some people look at me like that too! oh well..lets laugh about it, perhaps we are freaks? where are your trains?

    lycke, jag med, och jag tror att vi ses, nagongang. jag langtar ju norrut varje gang jag ar i sverige,. vill resa mer dar och inte bara halla mig pa den upplandska slatten. ensamhet ar viktigt. egentid. kan du ge lillen till nagon nagra timmar och fa barnen att leka hos nagra kompisar? och bara vara sjalv? kramar till dig, hostiga men varma mellanostern kramar

    demie, will you? i would love to teach the little i know... ♥

    aniko, thank you so much!

  12. Dear Vikinglady, you were close - so PLEASE contact me/us (Ariane, not so close Julia) - that would be a blast!
