Tuesday, April 24, 2012

getting ready


greetings from a busy bee in a busy week. trying to remember to see the details while rushing slowly, if possible. 


  1. rushing slowly

    dat klinkt mooi
    dag bezige bij
    tussen door genieten hoor!


  2. åh så fina vallmo! vallmor? vallmos? vallmoar? jaja... puss och kram!

  3. Ibland är det bra med mycket som händer. All energi. Ibland blir det för mycket men jag tror du känner balansen.

  4. Ta det lungt om du bara kan....så det blev inte den här vecka,eller nästä.men kanske efter det?

  5. Ååh, kära, jag tycker alltid du har ett öga för detaljer..det vackra levande i allt! snälla vallmor hit nuuu!!!

    kramar Lycke

  6. hello buzy bee, preparing for another tour again..?
    even busy, always remember to breathe! (that´s something i try to remind myself too in those moments..)

  7. Aww thank you! It's nice if someone is happy about it, don't thought so. Btw. have you already seen that I commented on your "sleepover's"? Just want to say if you don't see it yet. Ah and yeah what means I am good...I am alive, that's good isn't it? Hope you are fine,

  8. patrice, dag! ik geniet veel! :)

    anna, ja visst är dom! en hel äng full var jag på igår. kramar

    monica :)
    easier said then done

    sally yes, actually it is already the end of the season here. amazingly beautiful!

    miss ud, jag försöker känna balansen. och hitta den. det går sådär ibland. men ikväll pustar jag ut. kram

    yaelian, det gör jag! såg du mitt meddelande hos dig?

    lycke, dom var helt magiska. kan se dig där, på ängen...kramar

    outi, we are replacing one dancer who is pregnant. and next month we also have a short tour, to italy! which is nice! and inbetween i did other funny weird stuff. like yesterday acting in a promo! hahha! hugs back

    birdie, they are...

    saphia, thank you, i saw it now! alive is good. well, alive is. to begin with. but again, happy for real to see signs from you!

  9. Beautiful, beautiful poppies -lovely color and hues !

  10. dag bezig bijtje! gelukkig vind je tussen alle drukte door altijd een momentje om prachtige foto's te maken, zoals deze twee: wow!

  11. i love the photo with the poppies. in spanish they're called "amapolas" and it's such a beautiful word i find.
    can you believe the weather is so bad in madrid now? looks like spring is taking a break :(. so your pictures give me that spring feeling back!
