Tuesday, February 1, 2011

somewhere between rain and sun…

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…i spotted my friend through the fence and we toasted with coffee and cake for the third aquarius, in her absence. i wear the same rain outfit as two years ago, (my mothers old raincoat) also then celebrating the third aquarius, but in her presence. and later i walked by the ocean and got slightly drenched but that doesn’t matter when the ocean is so beautiful and you are a plastic version of little red riding hood.

this was all yesterday and today, well, that is another story.


  1. hi Sara - I just caught up with you over here. i love how red riding hood crops up wherever i go.
    such gorgeous photos (again) for your last two posts.
    Its is so easy to get a sense of your days/life/feelings from them. It all really 'speaks' to me. And together with the fact that dance is another layer of your world - that says a lot to me too. blogs emit such personality don't they? (when they are good) I often wonder what mine says to the world, and how much of ME comes through etc. love x

  2. Dear Sara,
    ah, you're a dancer, even in your head when you're writing. Now I try to explain...sorry about my english, I'm a learner.
    Here we go: I pic up 'absence/presence': movement. In your pictures distance shot/really close up: movement. Your writing theme run slowly/fast: movement. You pick up impulse...little red riding hood! For me it's all dancing - wonderful. I read, look at your pics: and I can dance with you. You are a dancer all through. Precisely because of 'today, well it's another story'.

  3. Dear Sara, your photos are truly amazing, you captured your friend really phantastic, it looks so congenial and welcoming. I guess everyone wants to "dance" with you and I would love love love to go to ocean as well, the sea draws me like a magnet. Somewhere in my body there must be a fish or dolphin, who likes to laughing and riding in the waves.

  4. Vilken vacker vän, och så underbart allting låter och ser ut. Blir glad och full av drömmar när jag kikar in hos dig fina...! Jag har fått tid nu..senast fredag är han ute. gärna före...
    Kramar Lycke

  5. ett litet grattis till dig medan jag ligger
    och ammar min lilla abbe. tusen tack för ditt paket. nötterna var super, barnen älskade chokladen. jag skriver ett mail när jag får tid. Hoppas du har en riktigt bra dag idag!

  6. jamin, hello sweet beauty. indeed they do say alot about the people behind them. but from a very specific angle. i always wonder how it seems to the people who knows us in real life? love

    ariane, oh this little text of yours. i love it! puts words on some of the contrasts i feel and live. please do join my dance! it will make me happy!

    barbara, when are you born? i am relating to that dolphin inside of you. i like the ocean especially since it brings perspective into my life. it makes me feel small, in a good way. thank you for your kind words. xxx.

    lycke, åh! fredag! det är ju imorgon! vad spännande....tack, du säger alltid så mycket fint och snällt. jag blir glad. kramar och lycka till!

    jenny! har undrat så! välkommen abbe! hur har det gått? när kom han? glad att ditt paket har kommit fram. massor av kramar och kärlek

  7. Dear Sara, I guess its not when I'm born, but where! I'm born in Hamburg, so not too far from the sea and the family of my mother where all sailors. My brother and I used to say, they where Vikings. So I'm fond of water by nature, by my Viking-Pirat-Dolphin inside.

  8. Hejsan Sara,vilka fina bilder,igen. Komm inatt från Helsingfors,där det var kallt ute och varmt inne...

  9. Dina ord blir som poesi.

    / svamptrippen ;-)

  10. Lite försenad, men grattis fina. Snigeln har ändrat riktning, men den är på väg.

  11. Thia all here was like a dream Sara!I love these your pictures,
    wish you have everything okey.

  12. hanna, tack♥

    barbara, maybe we have some related roots, i also think my ancestors where vikings! :)

    yaelian, välkommen tillbaka, hur har du haft det? kram

    miss ud, du tog inte illa upp va? det är menat som något väldigt positivt!

    elisabeth, åh jag älskar sniglar! tack! kram

    maria, thankyou so much. lets keep on dreaming, shall we?
