Monday, January 3, 2011

white and bright

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those six days flew by and i am reminded of how i hate goodbyes and i am sorry to tell you, all of you who are frozen and cold for months already, that my winter-dosage is only partially filled and returning to my little temporary home seems less than charming. i am also aware that once i had some time to adjust and to land, i will rediscover the beauty over there aswell. but still, many of you are too far away.

and i wonder if i will ever stop this traveling?

i had some lovely meetings this week, like with this very precious woman, and i could connect the corners of the pictures and my jaws felt sore from talking afterwards. it is special, when these blog-fairytales becomes reality. perhaps a good intention for the coming year, more of those real life meetings?!

but now i am already here, caring a cold with me i kept sneezing throughout the whole flight. in a few hours i am waking up to go to rehearsal. so let’s call it a day. nightynight.


  1. Welcome Back to wherever you have landed! & Happy New Year!
    Was wondering through my WEEKWORD list & found that you had participated "many moons ago"... I'm trying to revive it for 2011 so am dropping some notes to former participants. If you'd like to participate, leave me a note in the comment box of my 1/2/11 post...
    chris e-e

  2. Låter som du hade det lite vinterlyxigt! :)

  3. Oj vad det ser kallt ut i dina bilder...
    Välkommen tillbaka Sara!

  4. Saknar dig, saknar dig, saknar dig.

  5. Åh vad mysigt det var att ses. Verkligen, men det är så mycket mer som jag skulle vilja prata om. PUSS och PUSS! Jag förstår att du saknar vintern, idag var det strålande sol och lagom många minusgrader och jag och barnen var ute och åkte skridskor. Underbart!

  6. christine, thank you for stopping by, i might join you indeed, it was often alot of un!

    evelina, mmmm...och nu är det långt borta igen. jaja.

    yaelian, det var det!

    miss ud, lite för sällan? fast nu har jag varit hemma med ganska korta intervaller emellan. fast inga längre vistelser.

    frkn l, saknar dig och er med!

    jenny, så rätt, vi hann ju knappt börja. skridsko-åkning låter mysigt, även om jag har traumatiska minnen från när vi åkte i skolan! :)
    puss och kram

  7. brrrr, so cold in the photos;)
    i´m keeping warm still in Vietnam. but heading towards Cambodia soon.
    yep, i also wonder if i ever stop traveling. even i have been living in Finland, but every once in a while i just need to get away. on the road. or trails;)

  8. Det er vanskelig å forestille seg din kontrastfylte verden, Sara. Vet ikke om jeg hadde klart å integrere det som en normal del av mitt liv... som du virker så bra på. Now, let's see if you understood that... but, of course you did :)

  9. Beautiful photos.

    So glad to see that you were back home for a wee bit.

    And you met another blogger in the flesh!!!
    What was that like? Surreal? Normal? Both??
    I often think about meeting up with some of you.

  10. outi, perhaps later we will travel only with our minibuses instead of by plane....that would be quite something!

    lilli, jag förstod! jippie! konstigt, för basen i livet är ju nästan alltid densamma. men detaljerna kan vara så oerhört olika att jag inte riktigt förstår hur jag ska förhålla mig till dem...?

    jasmin, it was very interesting, to meet in real life. it feels already familiar, and since there is an openness there to begin with, it feels like you can skip the bullshit and go straight to the depth somehow. and yet, i was very nervous to begin with! she is lovely though, elisabeth, i am happy to get to know all these wonderful people through blogging, perhaps we will meet to one day????
