Friday, November 5, 2010


_MG_6276 _MG_6282 _MG_6261

the other day i was taking pictures in the supermarket when the security guard came up to me. a tiny bit irritated, he explained to me that i am not allowed to do so, and he asked me why i do it?

-‘because i enjoy it!’ was my honest answer. he should have seen my harmless collection of tiger tails and twinkies to understand just how threatening my pictures could be….

and then there is the girl working at the café at the train station: ‘i know you, you are the girl with the special cup’, and she actually makes my long espresso with some milk in my foldacup without arguing and i am forever thankful. it became like my little challenge, to convince people to do it. (sounds easy perhaps, but with all those laws&regulations about hygiene, and the total conviction that throw-away cups is the shit, i meet quite some resistance)

that’s about it for now. 3.48 and i am way past my bedtime.


  1. Incredible to me that you can't take photos in a supermarket!

  2. Jag brukar köpa mest i en av de största supermarkets här i Israel och där får man inte heller fotografera,förstår nog inte varför.Men jag har fotograferat i smyg....;D

  3. Hmm, och att fotografera utomlands där man aldrig varit tidigare är också intressant innan man vet vad som är tillåtet och inte.

    Ett bra svar gav du iallafall!

  4. Yes, yes, yes; foldacups are the shit and days can be filled with victories like these. Like how they piled up the tomatoes; you'd never see that here as you know... foldacup makes me smile; my son used on in elementary school! Sleep tight!

  5. theresa, later i understood that this is the law almost everywhere, whether you are here, in sweden or in the states? but i am not sure...

    yaelian, det är tydligen så i dom flesta länderna. jag förstår inte riktigt varför! men smygfotografering är kul...

    tesa, det var det enda svaret som fanns. helt intuitivt!

    maria, :) a little bit funny weird somehow.

    lilli, these tomatoes were in a falafel stand. i like this installation! me, i never had a foldacup in elementary school, but now i do! then we had kåpor! do you know those?

  6. fint att du jobbar på med din hopvikbara mugg :) skitvecka här. puss puss puss

  7. 'Kåpor', must be something entirely different in Norwegian... I know I had a thermos, all sticky with O'boy... yuuuk :)
