Tuesday, September 21, 2010


_MG_5196 _MG_5186

goodmorning new york. goodmorning world. i had the scariest flight in a long time, with turbulence, lightning and thunders. the plane lifting in the air just to drop down with a choir of shocked voices from the passengers.it went on like that for about an hour. i had so much adrenaline after that, it took me two whiskeys and a long playlist to come back to myself. then i was utterly happy to still be alive. and enjoyed every single moment of it. and here i am in new york. with a jetlag and a bed which is shorter than me by ten cm’s, plus on a diagonal. but oh so alive.


  1. Gud så läskigt! Tur att allt gick bra, lev lev lev i NY nu. Kram

  2. Usch,,jag hatar såna flyg! Men bra att du är framme nu.Och njut av NY!

  3. pheew, doesn´t sound too much fun that flying trip. happy to hear everything went well. they can be very scary moments.

    otherwise it looks really good, and sounds too. must be really nice to see all those places and to be able to work there too!
    shiny days for you Sara, enjoy!

  4. Love your beautiful photos. Love that you are reading Fromm, he's fantastic. Have you read "The Art of Loving"?

    Just found your blog, but I'll be back.

  5. Så otäckt! Skönt att du är framme i the big apple. Må gott!

  6. Det är därför jag inte flyger...jag får nästan hjärtat i halsgropen av att bara läsa om din hemska flygresa, stackare. Njut av livet i New York och av dina systrar. Min syster åker dit nästa vecka. Stor kram!

  7. evelina, i will do! kram

    yaelian, ja väldigt obehagligt. lite nervös inför att flyga ensam tillbaka till il, eftersom jag stannar längre. phuu...ha en fin helg! kram

    outi, it is really good. or as elisabeth put it, actually everything is quite fine! more then quite... love!

    bajsugglan, man tackar!

    sol, i hAVe! he is amazing, fromm. it was a while back though. and this one i didn't finish yet...so many other books coming inbetween.

    annika, otäckt men här är det desto bättre! kram

    jenny, åh gör hon! vad ska hon hitta på? kram

  8. You look alive. New-Yorkish-alive. Så coolt och vackert på samma gång.

  9. Jag är galet flygrädd och skulle få ren panik om jag var på en sådan flight..
