Tuesday, June 22, 2010

weekword: non/attachment

better late than never..here it comes. the word of the week. well, it is almost two words, so it might count as cheating! anyhow. elisabeth inspired me to participate, and i hope you will let me know if i missed out on anything important?!

anyone who feels like participating please leave a comment here so that i can link to your associations to non/attachment on friday. and on friday i will pass it on to someone else to chose the following weekword. did i get it all right?


  1. Hälsningar från Helsingfors Sara! Jättebra bilder har du där nere:-)

  2. sounds right to me :) i'll try, but studying for exam. maybe a day or two late (like last time)

  3. yaelian, tack,hur har du det???

    elisabeth, veja cecilia and trinsch,
    great! looking forward....

  4. jag är också med, spännande tankeriktning.
