Saturday, April 3, 2010


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i found my new favorite flower in the netherlands. but what is it called? is it an iris? a freesia? anyhow it smells so sweet so sweet, like nectar.. and it stayed alive and strong for more than a week. rediscovering the pleasure of bowling,walking under pink bridges& a stillleben of chocolate wrappings (maarten was the creator and photographer) were another few moments from those 9 days.

the spring is so different in europe. the light looks different. everything is more subtle, more careful. 29 degrees on the third day of april, can that count as spring?


  1. not sure either. would have said iris, but then you suggested fresia...maybe? anyway, you know how it looks and how it smells - that's what counts :)

    have been - and still is - on a blog writing and reading break. all kids at home for pesach and friend visiting, so no time. just wanted to check in and see you're doing fine. and you are, i feel. hag sameach to you.

  2. 29 grader..shit..det är varmt alltså...här är det sol också i påsk men i bästa fall ca 10-12 grader...Kram!

  3. Fresia är det, min favorit blomma! :) Har planterat lökar av dem i min trädgård...

  4. This makes me want to go bowling. Loving the pictures.

  5. trinsch, enjoy with friends and kids. busy house it seems. maybe when things cool down in a few weeks we can find time to drink mojitos together? chag sameach!

    toril, yes, varmt varmt. jag är lite sen i vanlig ordning. och från den holländska kyliga våren är det ett stort steg till 29 grader. hoppas du har haft en skön påsk?

    evelina, tack nu vet jag säkert! har nästan aldrig sett en fresia förr tror jag. doftar så gott! du får lägga upp lite bilder sen när dom har växt till sig...

    rachel elizabeth, me too! it was so much fun... thank you and welcome!!

  6. Freesia! Underbar doft. Doften av vår och nya tider.

    Glad påsk önskar jag dig Sara



  7. i would also suggest freesia? i got a bit similar looking flowers from my corner shop, i like them too.

    it´s true what you say about the spring, it´s more careful here. maybe it´s needed too; people go anyway totally crazy when the sun starts to shine again, they need time to slowly orient for the spring again;)
