Saturday, February 27, 2010


rainy days. while writing this, i have tiny drops of water falling on my back, since we have a leakage right above the bed.

this rainy weather fits me perfect, i can be the obsessive housewife as much as i please. i just peek outside to make pictures and then i return to my projects. one project going on here right now is making miso. from scratch. so we have about three kilos of rice above the wooden heater, and over it we spread a certain type of fungus from japan. the process can take a few months up to three years!

oh, and some obsessive baking has been done aswell, two kinds of cakes and a batch of bread. we just had 8 people over for lunch (therefore the obsessive baking), and after that, i think i deserve to treat myself with a glass of wine. i started to realize that i do not completely enjoy hosting big groups at the same time, it makes me feel a stranger in my own home….and by now i feel strange writing aswell. so hasta la vista.


  1. Hemlagad miso, jättefint! Jag älskar när det regnar här!

  2. Nu är jag väl super puckad men vad är miso? :) Och som vanligt härlig känsla i dina bilder...
    Ha en lugn söndag för det tänkte jag... om det nu är lungt att beskära äppelträd!

  3. it´s raining in helsinki too. getting very interesting on the streets with all that melting snow..
    i would like to start some project also today. maybe painting. or sewing. or.. sleeping..?
    hasta luego!

  4. yaelian, jag med! och det har regnat använder enbart regnvatten dom senaste månaderna! vilken lycka...

    evelina, miso är frementerade soja bönor och ris, som japanerna använder till miso soppa och annan matlagning. väldigt gott. äppelträd? gick det bra?

    outi, wow, so spring is slowly starting??? let's see what will rise to the surface when everything melts..sleeping is a good idea. i am thinking to do the same. but so many nice things to do awake aswell.
