Thursday, February 25, 2010

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  ‘flowers flowers flowers everywhere i go i see those flowers in my bed and in my head and in my hair flowers getting in my pants and in my underwear i see those flowers’

and this is the song!

oh, it’s thursday and weekend coming along. i can leave the city behind once again. yeah!


  1. Å Sara vad härligt! Vilken fröjd att även vi får njuta av blomster. Bra start på jobbdagen : )
    Kram till dig och ha en fin helg.


  2. yee, flowers! i also have some on my table. would like to have also as nice flower textiles as you have there, but can´t simply find anywhere in here. maybe because they are classified as "summer textiles" and it´s still winter going on, so i still need to wait for, eeh, 3 months??

  3. Är du i Tel Aviv mera än hemma norrut? Vackra blommiga bilder!

  4. Vackra blommor. Själv har jag en helt fantastiskt clivia i köksfönstret som jag har fått av min moster, den gör mig riktigt lycklig, lyser som solen i vintermörkret.

  5. mmm, flowers! yes, there's really a full bloom fiesta going on these days. our garden is so green, lush and now also wet. i like it :)

    and what wonderful fabric you have? vintage - or from nahalat benyamin? i just bought myself some floral print fabric there the other day for pillows. but now i am looking at it and think it might end up as a skirt (for me of course ;)

  6. your mail address? you can write me on this: bamarik at

  7. petra, och idag regnar det...det njuter jag av! och så är det helg! så skönt. önskar även dig en fin helg. kram

    outi, they have amazing fabric markets over here. i could send you some if you'd like me to? just specify what kind and what it at least getting dark later by now?

    yaelian, oftast är jag söndag till torsdag i tel aviv... så väldigt mycket. jag saknar att bo och jobba på samma ställe, som jag gjorde i ga'aton. men livet går vidare... :) shabat shalom!

    jenny, jag måste googla på clivia, har ingen aning om hur dom ser ut...kram och puss

    trinsch, yeah, isn't it lovely that it rains again? i woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a storm and rain falling on the roof and i was so happy and excited! some are vintage, the top one is a bag a friend made and the three most down fabrics are from nahlat binyamin. i also just made a bunch of pillow cases! and planning to make myself a spring skirt aswell...

  8. Är ingen blommig tjej, men när jag ser tygerna och alla andra blommor blir jag ändå sugen :)

  9. that would be great!
    yep, it´s a bit longer day, day by day. at the moment the sky is just so grey, blaah. but it´s saturday anyway and i have the day free, hurrey!
    have a nice weekend!

  10. annika, jag har precis insett att jag har hur många blommiga saker som helst. min väska, min plånbok, mina tröjor. och jag är inte heller någon blommig tjej... :)

    outi, enjoy your free day! i ate so much cake until now that i am ready to nap...good things to do on a free day...
