Thursday, January 21, 2010

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i wanted to do yoga at home this morning. (but the pictures are from another occasion) i decided to start only once there would be some peace and quiet around.first of all, i needed to call the tax office in sweden, and the swedish embassy in israel. you know the drill, waiting in the phone line, getting transferred from right to left before you achieve what you needed to do. then i made the starter for my sourdough bread, cause it needs a lot of hours to rise. but for it to rise, it needs a nice, warm spot. and when i got out of bed this morning it was around 13 degrees indoors, and pouring rain outside. not the optimal climate nor for the sourdough, nor for me. hence, i needed to make a fire. so i went outside to chop&staple some wood. back inside, i could not manage to get the fire started. i tried all my tricks. in the end, i even fell for the cheapest one, which is to throw a little bit of oil onto the logs. which made the whole house smell like barbeque. by the time i had the fire going, i jumped out of my pajama into something warmer and more suitable, and made sure to put up the ‘please don’t disturb’ sign on our door. i managed to get through some sitting meditation,cat stretches, a few variations on the sun salutation & trikonasana when someone knocked on the door. i waited a second to give whoever was outside the chance to read the sign, and by the end of that second the door opened. in came one of my neighbors and her son, looking very guilty she explained ‘i only saw the sign once i opened the door’.

well, this is a little bit how it is to live here. for good and for bad. a constant practice of yoga, because life is very dynamic and you never know what will happen. and apparently the little i managed to do was enough to feel my muscles like jelly and my mind a bit calmer. have a good day!


  1. Vad fin din blogg är. Älskar dessutom lampan som sitter monterad på väggen bakom dig i headern.

    En blogg utan fina bilder känns alltid fattig tycker jag. Din är fin och rik.

  2. Synd att du inte kunde joga i lugn och ro. Jag gjorde också surbröd igår,men började med det redan på söndag och bakade den först igår.

  3. Jag yogade också idag..det var skönt att samla ihop sig på nåt vis i dimman:)
    Allt gott till dig å kram!

  4. vivid life, eh? sounds nice anyway;)
    i woke up this morning for a hammering noice that came from the roof. they were (and still are..) braking the ice there..eeh, nice..

  5. fru a, mycket riktigt. men idag blev det ännu ett pass, relativt ostört, jihoo!

    sammy rose, tack tusen...bilder gör så mycket. det är likadant hos dig. kan knappt se mig mätt.

    idag fick jag en andra chans. och det gick riktigt bra!

    hur brukar du göra, förbereda innan vilka asanas du vill göra eller kör du mer spontant? och hur länge? idag hann jag med ännu ett yoga pass. ostört. kram

    frkn l, jovars. det var den nog. framför allt en skön dag.hur var din?

    sounds like you live in a ice castle. hang out your hair, and the prince might rescue you. :) im sure that was pretty annoying...hope they will finish of today.

  6. that´s a good tip. i will try that one;)

  7. yes! that's israel for you :)

    sometimes i love it, sometimes i don't.
